There are different types of contracts that you can encounter when renting:
This type you often find with housing corporations. They are not limited in time, but at least 1 year minimum lease term. You have a one-month cancellation period after 12 months after the date the contract commences. It is far less common with commercial rental organisation.
This type of contract allows a landlord to rent out a property during a trip abroad. This type of rental agreement is also know as Diplomacy clause. This contract can be offered to a tenant for every term. During the agreement, the lease cannot be terminated. After the lease period expires, the agreement can be renewed for a fixed period again. The landlord has to inform you three months before the contract runs out.
This contract is limited to a twelve months maximum. Within this timeframe a termination clause for the tenant must be included. It can be several days to a maximum of one calendar month. Prices are often included with services (like g/w/e or cleaning) and these properties are often furnished.
This form of contract is offered when you rent a house which is on sale. You can rent for a minimum of six months, but after these six months the landlord has a three-calendar-month cancellation period, and the tenant a one-calendar-month one. In case no cancellation takes place, the rental agreement runs to a maximum of five years, or until the permit for renting out in this form runs out.
Some organisations offer a contract for a minimum of twelve months, after which it automatically turns into an indefinite contract. This type of contract however is not a valid one, because an indefinite contract having a one calendar month cancellation period from the starting day.